Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Historical Periods of Egypt

Pharaohs were considered divine...they were considered as gods.

That's one of the reasons why they married within their families.  They had to create children so they married their siblings...this happened for 3000 years....

All pyramids (great) were made in the Old Kingdom (27000-2200 BCE).

Most of the surviving artwork is from the New Kingdom (1575-332 BCE).

Egyptian writing was known as Hieroglyphics = "sacred inscriptions."

Two types:
Hieratic script: for everyday writing
Demotic script: for business, legal, scientific, literary and religious documents

Hieroglyphics consisted of 600 ideograms and phonograms.

Not average person knew what it meant............
Rosetta Stone
Dated back to 200 B.C.

Had 3 different writings that help translate Hieroglyphics.

Old Kingdom

Stepped Pyramid of Djoser (2700 BCE) First attempt at pyramid

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