Saturday, September 25, 2010

Relationships 101: Clingy-ness

Relationships is one of the most strange and complicated topics of all times.  They rank well up there with the studies of Ancient Egypt, Rome, The Beginnings of this earth.  Ever since there was a man and woman on this earth, problems have arise.  

But for today, we are going to tackle one issue that seems to affect many relationships.

Every body knows of someone that is too "clingy." These people can be boys or girls, young or old.  In most relationships, people are somewhat "clingy" at times, but not always.  It sort of comes and goes.  However, sometimes, some people go beyond a few times and start to, basically, suffocate the other person.

I understand that being with someone you love is something desirable and, when you are in love, it's just what you want to do. Just keep in mind that people that are clingy soon become annoying.  Not because they really are, but because people need room to breath.  It's okay to spend a few days with your beloved, but give them a break from time to time.  

I promise, it won't be the end of the world. This way, both parties can start to develop themselves as individuals instead of always having their beloved right next to them.  This (giving each other space) helps the relationship grow and strengthen (or weaken).  Simply by allowing the person to be without your company will perhaps make them miss you...or realize that they don't really care about you as they thought or you all depends.  But for the best sake of the relationship, GIVE EACH OTHER ROOM!
Many relationships crash because they want to spend 24/7 together...and then they burn out because they have spent so much time together that the relationship starts to be more of a burden than fun.  You don't want that to happen.  If married, it's somewhat different but similar principles apply.

Finding out if you or your partner are clingy?

* Must you spend every waking free moment with your significant other?
* Every activity you or your partner does must be approved by you or your partner?

If you answer yes to either, then you are clingy and you need to get out and do things separate from your partner or them from you. 

Keep in mind that just because they are not with you or you with them in person, they are not in your heart. 

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